Muhammad Ali: 'How come is everything white?', Parkinson interview - 1971

Aired 17 October 1971, London, United Kingdom

I asked my momma, I said, ‘Momma, how come everything is white?’ I said, Why is Jesus white with blonde hair and blue eyes? Why is the Lord’s Supper all white men?

Angels are white, Pope, Mary and even the angels.,

I said, ‘Mother, When we die, do we go to heaven?’
She said, ‘Naturally we go to heaven’

I said, ‘What happeend to all the black angels when they took the pictures?’


And the angel food cake was the white cake, and the devil food cake was the chocolate cake.

I always wondered .. and the president lived in the White House,

And Mary had a little lamb, his feet as white as snow, and Snow White, and everything was white.

Santa Claus was white.
And everything bad was black.

The little ugly duckling was a black duck. And the black cat was the bad luck. And if I threaten you I’m going to blackmail you.

I said, ‘Mama, why don’t they call it whitemail, they lie too!’

I was always curious, and this is when I knew something was wrong.
