5 July 2015, Covent Garden Hotel, Sydney, Australia
One day, one day I hope that you belong in a country where marriage equality is legitimate.
Crowd: Fuck yeah. (cheering)
Where our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Australians are on the national birth certificate in the Constitution.
Crowd: (cheering)
Where people can organise to have a strong minimum wage, and they will not be subject to a Royal Commission.
Crowd: (cheering)
Where we will have a Medicare system which is defined by your Medicare card, not your credit card.
Crowd: Yes. (cheering)
Where you can go to university and not have to pay a hundred thousand dollars!
Crowd: (cheering)
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill. (chanting)
We will have a country where women are treated equally.
Crowd: (cheering)
And we will have a country where we are known for our commitment to multiculturalism ...
Crowd: Yes.
And where, no matter who you are, and who your parents are, this is a country with a fair go, and you can get ahead based upon how hard you work and how much you care about your fellow Australians. You're lovely bunch of people. However you vote in the future, just maintain your commitment to politics.
Crowd: (cheering)
Labor, Labor, Labor, Labor, Labor, Labor!