Simon Pegg: 'F*ck the Tories', Rant about Maths curriculum - 2023

5 January 2023, London, United Kingdom

So, Rishi Sunak our unmandated, unelected Prime Minister twice removed has decided that it should be compulsory for children to learn Maths up until the age of 18, What a prick!

What about arts and humanities, and fostering this county’s amazing reputation for creativity and self-expression? What about that?

What about the kids that don’t want to do maths? I hated maths! I dropped maths as soon as I could. And, I’ve never needed it other than the skill set I acquired at the age 12.

No Rishi Sunak wants a fucking drone army of data-entering robots. 
What a tosser! Fuck the Tories! Get rid of them, please. Fuck! Fuck you Rishi Sunak and fuck the Tories
