15 August 2005, Montreal, Canada
Who's your daddy, Montreal? [Schallend laute Buhrufe und "You screwed Bret" Chants] Well since all of you have been so respectful to me I would like to return in kind:
Oh Canada, how much I hate this place
oh Canada, I'm gonna kick Hulk Hogan right in the face...
Alright, I admit I'm no singer... but what I am is the SHOWSTOPPER, the HEADLINER, The MAIN EVENT, The ICON of the WWE, yours truly, Shawn Michaels. Hulk Hogan, at SummerSlam I promise - no, better yet - I guarantee... I guarantee Hogan, I'll give you and the WWE fans something to remember. And of course all of you here in Montreal know that I'm all about... you know that I'm all about giving you memories.
SURVIVOR SERIES 1997, I handed Canada's own, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart his most miserable defeat. [We want Bret Chants] You want Bret? You're not gonna get Bret because I SCREWED BRET! I did it once and I'd do it again! If Bret 'The Hitman' Hart had any guts and he walked down that aisle tonight, stepped into this ring and looked me eye to eye like a man, I'd say: 'Hitman: I screwed you once and I'll screw you again. Because Bret... [Brets Musik ertönt aus den Boxen, die Fans explodieren vor Jubel und Michaels schaut zunächst geschockt, um die Fans dann nach einer Weile hämisch anzugrinsen - Bret ist nicht da, er hat die Musik einspielen lassen]
Got your hopes up just a little bit, didn't I? You will never - and I mean ever - hear or see Bret 'The Hitman' Hart inside a WWE ring again. Hulk Hogan, I did it to Bret Hart and at SummerSlam I'm gonna do it to you! You see, what all those Montreal Canadiennes despise about the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels is that I'm everything they wish they could be. I come out here with my live microphone and I do what I want when I wanna do it. Let's face it Hulk Hogan: It's the same thing that you don't like about me. I'm unlike everybody you ever had to deal with. And at SummerSlam, BROTHER, whatcha gonna do, BROTHER, whatcha gonna do, BROTHER, when... [Hulk Hogans Musik wird eingespielt, wieder jubelt das Publikum laut, wieder tut Michaels erschrocken um sich dann schließlich eins zu lachen - er hat die Fans wieder an der Nase herumgeführt]
Oh my. Now. Now. C'mon, now, the first time, sure, maybe I'm cruel. The second time, all you do is show the entire world that Montreal is everything I ever said it was. You Canucks are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. You don't like me very much, do ya? I know, I know, nothing would thrill you more than to have one of your heroes like Bret 'The Hitman' Hart or Hulk Hogan come down that aisle and just give me, aw, just give me what for. Well guess what? It isn't gonna happen. And I'll tell ya why. One, nobody in this industry can touch me. And two, your heroes like Bret 'the Hitman' Hart and Hulk Hogan, they're not even here yet. They're such big WWE superstars that their limos don't bring them to the show until it's already in progress... [Shawn stoppt aufgrund lauter Buhrufe, setzt sich hin und wartet, bis die Fans sich beruhigt haben]
Now that you understand who's running this show, I'll continue. Hulk Hogan, the second thing I despise about you is what I despise about Bret Hart. You stood for some moral fiber that in your real life did not exist. Yet you stood in judgement of me. And you, Hulk Hogan, well, you'd stand for just about anything. There isn't a realistic bone in your body. Hulk Hogan, you're the biggest star in WWE history. And at Summerslam, I want you to bring your big star, I want you to bring your boa, I want you to have your sunglasses on, and your chin held high. [Shut the fuck up Chants] Nice language. Do you teach your children the same talk? You do. Yet every one of you Montreal Canadien men do nothing but stand there and talk it while I walk it. Hulk Hogan, at Summerslam, you're one move from your star being snuffed out. You don't believe me? Just ask Bret 'The Hitman' Hart."