Betty Boothroyd: 'Voters were let down—all of them', attack on Brexit - 2019

14 January 2019, London, United Kingdom

My Lords, I cherish my European citizenship and regret its loss when or if—dare I say it?—Brexit becomes law. I identified myself as a British patriot and a European when I went to Berlin and other war-torn cities on the continent with little ​more than £5 in my pocket at the age of 17. I stayed with social democrat families who welcomed me into their homes. Europe is part of my DNA; it transcends treaties and bureaucracy.

For a time, I sat in the European Parliament, but preferred Westminster. This is not the first time that the Tory party has torn itself apart on this issue. As Speaker of the Commons, I watched the Tory party tear itself apart during the Maastricht debates. I feared the worst when David Cameron allied his party with the far right in Strasbourg and even more so when he caved in to his right-wingers and media pressure by calling the 2016 referendum. He thought he would win but has said since that he did not mind losing. I did mind.

Theresa May, whose tenacity commands respect, has been struggling to keep her party together ever since. Her Government stumble from one expediency to another, unimpeded by a dithering leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition whose only consistency is evasion. The noble and learned Baroness, Lady Butler-Sloss, was right the other day when she related the current drift and national crisis to the period of 1940, but there is a major difference. At that time, the leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition gave leadership. He carried his parliamentary party with him and people in the country knew of his commitment and supported it—that is the difference.

I am not a devotee of referenda. I rather enjoy general elections, but general elections are not single-issue events—they cover a host of issues. A general election is not the way to settle the European question. After two years, we are now more aware of the minuses and pluses and the people must determine this single issue. I urge Back-Benchers in the Commons to reject the pretences of Ministers who say—I quote Dr Fox, the International Trade Secretary—that a second referendum would put us in, ‘unprecedented territory with unknown consequences’.

My Lords, we have been wandering in the wilderness since Mrs May lost her majority in the election. I wonder how high Dr Fox was flying when he dreamed that one up. In my book, if a democracy cannot be allowed to change its mind, it ceases to be a democracy.

When the Minister winds up, will he say what the Government are afraid of in refusing a people’s vote? In answering that question, will he please explain to young people who have reached adulthood why they do not have the right to be heard on an issue that our generation has manifestly bodged? Brexit will shape these youngsters’ futures for the next 50 years—not ours. I have no children or grandchildren; my quality of life will not be affected. I am all right, Jack. But what about the Jacks and Jills out there? Are they to be stripped of their rights on the whim of those who peddled rubbish in the referendum and are afraid to be challenged in another?

I was a government Whip when Harold Wilson was Prime Minister. He said that anyone who claimed that membership of the European Community was a black and white issue was either a charlatan or a simpleton. I leave your Lordships to adjudicate on that one. Which brings me to Mr Boris Johnson: his campaign bus did not proclaim, ‘Say yes to no deal’. We were promised an easy ride with a cash bonus thrown in. The question ​on the ballot paper did not ask us to choose between a hard or soft Brexit, a Canadian or a Norway-plus deal, or a deal that would separate Northern Ireland from the rest of the United Kingdom.

Nobody dreamed that we would be frantically preparing for worst-case scenarios. We are now paying the price for a referendum that was dominated by falsehoods. Brexiteers promised the world but ignored the social and political realities festering in our own country. Now, Parliament is convulsed, Whitehall is pulverised and Downing Street has become a drop-in for chilled wine and persuasive chats, while industry and business are alarmed and our friends and allies are bewildered. Who can possibly blame them?

In yesterday’s Sunday Express, Mrs May said:

‘Some of you put your trust in the political process for the first time in decades. We cannot—and must not—let you down’.

But voters were let down—all of them. Both sides failed to focus on the issues that mattered most to them. Look at the Electoral Commission report. It said that many voters were unclear about the consequences of victory for either side and did not know the answers to questions they expected to be at the heart of the campaign. Both the Prime Minister and the leader of the Opposition should heed that report and listen to the voice of a young generation, who have a right to be part of the decisions affecting their future.

Many years ago, a debate took place in the Commons that changed the course of the war. Back-Benchers played a pivotal role then and I hope will do so tomorrow. My message is: Back-Benchers arise and forget your party allegiance. The national interest demands it.


Simon Pegg: 'F*ck the Tories', Rant about Maths curriculum - 2023

5 January 2023, London, United Kingdom

So, Rishi Sunak our unmandated, unelected Prime Minister twice removed has decided that it should be compulsory for children to learn Maths up until the age of 18, What a prick!

What about arts and humanities, and fostering this county’s amazing reputation for creativity and self-expression? What about that?

What about the kids that don’t want to do maths? I hated maths! I dropped maths as soon as I could. And, I’ve never needed it other than the skill set I acquired at the age 12.

No Rishi Sunak wants a fucking drone army of data-entering robots. 
What a tosser! Fuck the Tories! Get rid of them, please. Fuck! Fuck you Rishi Sunak and fuck the Tories


Claude Malhuret: 'Putin is mad as blood is red', Statement on Russia's invasion of Ukraine - 2022

1 March 2022, Paris, France

Déclaration du Gouvernement, suivie d’un débat sur cette déclaration, en application de l’article 50-1 de la Constitution, relative à la décision de la Russie de faire la guerre à l’Ukraine

Monsieur le Président,

Monsieur le Premier ministre,

Mes chers Collègues,

L’invasion de l’Ukraine pourrait bien être le premier clou sur le cercueil de la dictature de Poutine, comme l’invasion de l’Afghanistan fut le premier clou sur le cercueil de l’Union Soviétique.

Poutine est fou comme le sang est rouge. Ce n’est pas une insulte, c’est un diagnostic. Le discours sépulcral du 21 septembre ne laisse aucun doute. Un paranoïaque doublé d’un mythomane. Plus il élimine toute contradiction, plus il échappe à la réalité, au profit de son idée fixe et funeste, se venger de la chute de l’URSS. Comme beaucoup de dictateurs, ce Caligula botté souffre d’une autre infirmité. Ceux qui ont découvert stupéfaits la taille grotesque de la table où il recevait notre Président ont cru à une manœuvre pour l’humilier. Les réunions ubuesques avec ses ministres à 20 mètres révèlent la vérité : le COVID le terrorise. Néron se faisait raser par ses filles de peur d’être égorgé, Staline faisait goûter ses aliments, lui, chef de la deuxième force nucléaire au monde, qui se fait filmer dans des fausses chasses à l’ours, pétoche devant le virus comme un matamore fuyant devant une souris. En face de lui, un homme, debout, Zelensky.

Lorsqu’on ignore la réalité, elle se venge. Il voulait diviser l’Europe, il la cimente. Ridiculiser l’OTAN, il la retrempe. Humilier les États-Unis, il ressuscite Biden après Kaboul. Rallier à lui les régimes autoritaires, la Chine s’inquiète, la Turquie montre les dents, le Kazakhstan refuse l’envoi de ses soldats. Il pensait prendre l’Ukraine en trois jours, il est embourbé pour longtemps.

Confiné dans son bunker, il n’a pas vu le monde changer. Il se croit au temps où ses complices du KGB et du Politburo mataient par des chars la Hongrie ou la Tchécoslovaquie et où lui-même rasait Grozny à l’abri des caméras. Il n’a pas compris que les images des smartphones font le tour du monde en une seconde et qu’en 2022 personne, pas même les russes, n’est prêt à accepter les bombardements de Kiev et les morts.

S’il en est arrivé là, c’est en partie à cause de nos propres lâchetés. L’invasion de la Géorgie, l’annexion de la Crimée, le Donbass, la Transnistrie, les crimes contre l’humanité en Tchétchénie ou en Syrie, les centaines d’assassinats et les milliers d’emprisonnements en Russie même, nous avons laissé faire. Quelques discours à l’ONU sur les droits de l’homme et le droit international et puis circulez, y a rien à voir.

Ce n’est pas seulement par lâcheté que nous n’avons rien fait, c’est parce que les démocraties ont en leur sein une cinquième colonne, le plus souvent soudoyée par le Kremlin, qui reprend mot à mot sur les réseaux antisociaux, avec les milliers de faux comptes, de trolls et de bots pilotés depuis Moscou, sur les radios et télés RT, Sputnik et hélas d’autres, la propagande de Poutine : l’Ukraine n’existe pas, elle est dans la sphère russe, ses dirigeants sont des nazis.

Wladimir Zemmour, Joseph Vissarionovitch Mélenchon et Anastasia Le Pen sont depuis longtemps les généraux en chef de cette cinquième colonne, mais leurs dernières déclarations atteignent des sommets. Mélenchon le 18 janvier dernier : "Qui ne ferait pas la même chose avec un voisin pareil, un pays lié à une puissance qui les menace continuellement ? ». Le Pen : « Mon point de vue sur l’Ukraine coïncide avec celui de la Russie. ». Zemmour : « Il faut arrêter de faire de Poutine l’agresseur, c’est Poutine l’agressé. Poutine est l’allié qui serait le plus fiable ».

Depuis que tout le monde a compris leurs mensonges, ils ont réinventé le « Oui mais ». Ils condamnent car ne pas le faire serait un suicide électoral, mais ils ne changent pas d’avis : tout est de la faute de l’Occident, surtout pas de sanctions et attention à la troisième guerre mondiale. Mélenchon jeudi dernier continue ses bobards : « Je n’ai jamais soutenu Poutine, jamais ». Le pire c’est Zemmour, le trois fois condamné pour racisme, qui crache sur les résistants ukrainiens et sur les réfugiés, qui donne des leçons de patriotisme, lui qui après s’être soustrait au service militaire, n’a pas hésité à se rendre samedi sur le plateau des Glières. Ses propos souillent les tombes des maquisards.

Ces paillassons de Poutine après en avoir été les caniches, sont candidats à la Présidence de la République. Ils ont condamné le dictateur du bout des lèvres, mais leurs trolls inondent les réseaux de messages à sa gloire et leurs députés européens ont refusé de voter l’aide à l’Ukraine.

Pendant des années nous avons tenté de faire comprendre qui était Poutine. Nous étions trop peu nombreux face aux idiots utiles de l’Europe, en Allemagne qui s’est mise dans les griffes de l’ours et de son gaz par l’incroyable erreur d’avoir cédé aux verts sur le nucléaire, en France ou le fond de l’air, fait d’un gaullisme du pauvre qui n’a rien à voir avec le gaullisme et d’un antiaméricanisme héritier de la vieille droite anti-anglosaxonne et de la vieille gauche anticapitaliste, conduit certains à prêcher l’équidistance entre Amérique et Russie, demain entre Amérique et Chine, sans comprendre qu’il y a d’un côté le camp de la démocratie et de l’autre celui des dictatures. Trop peu nombreux, nous étions par là-même trop faibles.

Le 24 février 2022 restera dans l’histoire comme le jour prodigieux du grand basculement. Le plus grand succès de Poutine, c’est de nous avoir ouvert les yeux. Nous nous sommes réveillés bien tard. Mais nous nous sommes réveillés.

Pour la première fois nos sanctions sont plus que des coups de griffe. Le blocage des réserves de la banque centrale, la déconnexion de SWIFT, l’arrêt de Nord Stream II, la saisie des avoirs des corrompus, la fermeture des espaces aériens, le bonheur de la livraison d’armes aux ukrainiens par l’Allemagne elle-même, mouton devenu non pas tigre mais au moins lionceau. Et enfin, enfin, la chasse aux agents de désinformation. Voilà 5 ans que je demande la fermeture de RT, de Sputnik et de leurs satellites, 5 ans qu’on me répond que ce serait bafouer la liberté d’expression. On vient enfin de comprendre que les organes de propagande du FSB n’ont rien à voir avec la liberté d’expression. Mesdames et Messieurs les dirigeants européens, permettez-moi d’ajouter à mes félicitations pour ces sanctions une supplique : qu’elles soient précises, sans exception, efficaces, non contournables et prolongées. Et surtout qu’elles soient rapides et accrues, car les résistants ukrainiens, aussi héroïques soient-ils, ne tiendront pas longtemps par leurs seuls moyens. Et enfin, qu’elles soient accompagnées du message clair, que l’assassinat de Zelensky entrainerait une riposte bien plus massive encore. Quant à la cinquième colonne, elle va se déchaîner dans toute l’Europe pour relayer les menaces du tyran et expliquer que, comme vous êtes responsables de la guerre en Ukraine, vous serez responsables demain de la troisième guerre mondiale dont Poutine brandit la menace. Pour l’heure, autre miracle, personne n'y croit. Comment penser qu’un hypocondriaque qui s’ausculte toute la journée soit prêt à mourir sous les frappes ou à finir ses jours dans un abri anti-atomique comme Caïn dans son souterrain ?

Lorsque nous aurons pris ces sanctions et que nous nous serons préparés à un long conflit, car cette guerre sera longue, il nous faudra relever un autre défi, plus redoutable encore. Celui du rétablissement de la puissance de l’Europe. « L’Europe ne se fera qu’au bord du tombeau » disait Nietzsche. Propos prophétique car l’Europe est née des charniers de la deuxième guerre mondiale et elle n’a progressé qu’en surmontant ses crises. Celle du COVID a permis un pas de géant par la mutualisation des dettes du plan de relance. L’invasion sanglante de l’Ukraine a fait comprendre à tous, à commencer par les allemands, ce que le Président de la République ne cesse d’expliquer depuis le début de son mandat, c’est que l’Europe ne sera jamais une puissance si ses États ne se réarment pas et si une défense commune ne voit pas le jour. Jamais Poutine n’aurait pu nous faire un meilleur cadeau.

Pour l’heure, nous allons participer à cette guerre par les mesures déjà prises, par notre unité avec nos alliés européens et américains et par notre fermeté face au tyran qui s’est lancé dans une aventure sans issue.

Mais ce n’est pas nous qui allons la gagner. Les seuls qui peuvent la gagner, ce sont deux peuples. Le peuple russe qui, pour la première fois, malgré une répression impitoyable et une propagande effrénée, est en train de comprendre que Poutine le conduit vers le gouffre. Le sursaut viendra-t-il de la rue, ou de quelques Brutus qui comprendront l’urgence d’agir avant qu’il ne soit trop tard, je ne sais. Mais le dénouement pourrait bien surprendre.

Et surtout, ceux qui vont gagner cette guerre, ceux qui sont déjà en train de la gagner quel qu’en soit le coût, ceux qui nous donnent une grandiose leçon de courage, guidés par un Président devenu en quelques jours un héros de la trempe d’un de Gaulle ou d’un Churchill, Wolodomir Zelensky, ceux qui vont gagner cette guerre, c’est le peuple ukrainien soudé contre Poutine et prêt au sacrifice pour défendre sa liberté et la nôtre, sa démocratie et les valeurs européennes qu’il partage. Puissions-nous les admirer, les acclamer, les soutenir et nous montrer dignes d’eux.

Please forgive the limitations of computer translation services

Mr President, Mr Prime Minister, Dear Colleagues, The invasion of Ukraine could well be the first nail in the coffin of Putin's dictatorship, just as the invasion of Afghanistan was the first nail in the coffin of the Soviet Union. Putin is mad as the blood is red. It's not an insult, it's a diagnosis. The sepulchral speech of September 21 leaves no doubt. A paranoid doubled as a mythomaniac. The more he eliminates all contradiction, the more he escapes reality, in favor of his fixed and fatal idea, to take revenge for the fall of the USSR. Like many dictators, this booted Caligula suffers from another infirmity. Those who were stunned to discover the grotesque size of the table where he received our President believed in a maneuver to humiliate him. The ubiquitous meetings with his ministers 20 meters away reveal the truth: the COVID terrorizes him. Nero had his daughters shaved for fear of having his throat slit, Stalin had his food tasted, he, the head of the second nuclear force in the world, who is filmed in fake bear hunts, petoche in front of the virus like a braggart fleeing from a mouse. In front of him, a man, standing, Zelensky. When we ignore reality, it takes revenge. He wanted to divide Europe, he cements it. To ridicule NATO, he retempers it. Humiliating the United States, he resurrects Biden after Kabul. Rallying the authoritarian regimes to him, China is worried, Turkey shows its teeth, Kazakhstan refuses to send its soldiers. He thought he could take Ukraine in three days, he is stuck for a long time. Confined to his bunker, he has not seen the world change. He believes he is in the time when his accomplices in the KGB and the Politburo subdued Hungary or Czechoslovakia with tanks and when he himself razed Grozny away from the cameras. He did not understand that images from smartphones go around the world in a second and that in 2022 no one, not even Russians, is ready to accept the bombings of kyiv and the deaths. got there, it's partly because of our own cowardice. The invasion of Georgia, the annexation of Crimea, Donbass, Transnistria, the crimes against humanity in Chechnya or Syria, the hundreds of murders and the thousands of imprisonments in Russia itself, we have left TO DO. A few speeches at the UN on human rights and international law and then move on, there's nothing to see. It's not just out of cowardice that we haven't done anything, it's because democracies have within them a fifth column, most often bribed by the Kremlin, which takes word for word on anti-social networks, with the thousands of fake accounts, trolls and bots piloted from Moscow, on RT radio and TV, Sputnik and alas others, Putin's propaganda: Ukraine does not exist, it is in the Russian sphere, its leaders are Nazis. Wladimir Zemmour, Joseph Vissarionovitch Mélenchon and Anastasia Le Pen have long been the chief generals of this fifth column, but their latest declarations reach new heights. Mélenchon on January 18: "Who wouldn't do the same with such a neighbour, a country linked to a power that continually threatens them?" Le Pen: "My point of view on Ukraine coincides with that of Russia Zemmour: "We have to stop making Putin the aggressor, it's Putin the attacked. Putin is the ally who would be the most reliable".Since everyone understood their lies, they reinvented the "Yes but. They condemn because not to do so would be electoral suicide, but they do not change their minds: everything is the fault of the West, especially no sanctions and beware of the Third World War. Mélenchon last Thursday continues his canards: "I have never supported Putin, never. The worst is Zemmour, the three times condemned for racism, who spits on the Ukrainian resistance fighters and on the refugees, who gives lessons in patriotism, he who, after withdrawing from military service, did not hesitate to go to the he Glières plateau. His words soil the graves of the guerrillas. These doormats of Putin after having been poodles, are candidates for the Presidency of the Republic. They paid lip service to the dictator, but their trolls flood the networks with messages praising him and their MEPs refused to vote for aid to Ukraine. For years we tried to make people understand who Putin was. There were too few of us in the face of the useful idiots of Europe, in Germany, which fell into the clutches of the bear and its gas through the incredible error of having yielded to the Greens on nuclear power, in France or the bottom of the air, made of a Gaullism of the poor which has nothing to do with Gaullism and of an anti-Americanism heir to the old anti-Anglo-Saxon right and the old anti-capitalist left, leads some to preach equidistance between America and Russia, tomorrow between America and China, without understanding that there is on one side the camp of democracy and on the other that of dictatorships. Too few, we were thereby too weak. February 24, 2022 will go down in history as the prodigious day of the great changeover. Putin's greatest achievement is to have opened our eyes. We woke up very late. But we woke up. For the first time our penalties are more than scratches. The blocking of central bank reserves, the disconnection of SWIFT, the shutdown of Nord Stream II, the seizure of the assets of the corrupt, the closure of airspaces, the happiness of the delivery of arms to the Ukrainians by Germany she -even, a sheep that has become not a tiger but at least a lion cub. And finally, finally, the hunt for agents of disinformation. For 5 years I have been asking for the closure of RT, Sputnik and their satellites, 5 years that I have been told that it would violate freedom of expression. We have finally come to understand that the propaganda organs of the FSB have nothing to do with freedom of expression. Ladies and gentlemen European leaders, allow me to add to my congratulations on these sanctions a request: that they be precise, without exception, effective, non-circumventable and prolonged. And above all that they be rapid and increased, because the Ukrainian resistance fighters, as heroic as they are, will not hold out for long on their own. And finally, that they be accompanied by the clear message that the assassination of Zelensky would lead to an even more massive response. As for the fifth column, it will be unleashed throughout Europe to relay the tyrant's threats and explain that, as you are responsible for the war in Ukraine, you will be responsible tomorrow for the Third World War, of which Putin is brandishing the threat. For now, another miracle, no one believes it. How can we think that a hypochondriac who examines himself all day long is ready to die under the blows or to end his days in an anti-atomic shelter like Cain in his underground? When we have taken these sanctions and we have prepared for a long conflict, because this war will be long, we will have to take up another challenge, even more formidable. That of the restoration of the power of Europe. “Europe will only be made on the edge of the tomb” said Nietzsche. Prophetic statement because Europe was born from the mass graves of the Second World War and it only progressed by overcoming its crises. That of COVID has allowed a giant step forward by pooling the debts of the recovery plan. The bloody invasion of Ukraine made everyone understand, starting with the Germans, what the President of the Republic has been constantly explaining since the beginning of his mandate, which is that Europe will never be a power if its states do not rearm and if a common defense does not emerge. Putin could never have given us a better gift. For now, we will participate in this war by the measures already taken, by our unity with our European and American allies and by our firmness in the face of the tyrant who has launched in an adventure with no way out. But it's not us who are going to win it. The only ones who can win it are two peoples. The Russian people who, for the first time, despite ruthless repression and frantic propaganda, are realizing that Putin is leading them into the abyss. Will the start come from the street, or from a few Brutus who will understand the urgency of acting before it's too late, I don't know. But the outcome could well surprise. And above all, those who will win this war, those who are already winning it whatever the cost, those who give us a great lesson in courage, guided by a President who has become a few days a hero of the caliber of de Gaulle or Churchill, Wolodomir Zelensky, those who will win this war are the Ukrainian people united against Putin and ready to sacrifice to defend their freedom and ours, their democracy and the European values ​​it shares. May we admire them, acclaim them, support them and prove ourselves worthy of them.
